Posted by Jeff Smith | Jun 12, 2014 5:09:00 PM 0 Comments

When you place an order with us, you can rest assured that it will be handled expeditiously. And we make it transparent for you to follow the process as quickly and easily as possible. Our innovative online order tracking system enables you to have complete access to the status of your order at any time.

We understand the importance of your orders and the need for immediate feedback on the status of each order you place with us. Through our easy-to-use online customer portal, you can access all of your orders as they are received, processed and shipped on to you. Not only can you track your orders, you can:

  •          Expedite
  •          Change shipping methods
  •          View historical turnaround by part number
  •          Download packing lists
  •          Download certifications of compliance
  •          Check shipping details + track the shipment
  •          Download files of additional copies of documentation
  •          Manage inventory for orders shipped to us.

Our order tacking system is updated every 30 seconds in order to give you the most up-to-date information on all of your orders. Using a simple log-in process (User ID and Password), whether you are in the office or on the road, you will always have complete access to any order. 

Already a Customer? Click Here to Login. 


So how do I actually use the work order tracking?

Electro-Spec will provide you with a unique username and password, allowing you to easily access your private customer portal.




Step 2: Track Your Work Order

Once logged in, you will automatically be taken to the Work Order Tracking screen. On the left hand side you should be able to clearly see who you are logged in as, as well as an option to log out when you are done. This screen provides a table indicating the status of each part that Electro-Spec is working on. From this screen you can easily view the Part #, PO #, Recorded Date, Due Date, and the Status (Receiving, Degreasing, Incoming Inspection, Cleaning, Plating, Final Inspection, and Shipping)




On this page you will also have the opportunity to review your order in “detail” by clicking the “detail” link in the table. This will take you to a page with more information about your order.

Additionally, you can download Electro-Specs Inspection Certificate, and Packing List.

Step 3: View Other Features

Other features in our Work Order Tracking system include our Average Customer Turnaround Time tool and our Average Part Turnaround Time tool. The Average Customer Turnaround Time tool gives you an estimate of how long it should be until we have finished with your complete order. This calculation is based up receipt of order and when that order is shipped. It also may vary upon the part.



If you would like to view the turnaround time for a specific part, we have an Average Part Turnaround tool that uses a dropdown to allow you to select a specific part. Like with the Average Customer Turnaround tool, time is based upon receipt of order and when that order is shipped.



Thank you for your interest in our Work Order Tracking Tool. It’s a foundation of our business philosophy: Electro-Spec believes in forming partnerships with our customers. Together we can provide the most functional, value-added part possible! 


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